Does Rheumatoid arthritis also cause knee pain?
Rheumatoid arthritis also cause knee pain
Does Rheumatoid arthritis also cause knee pain?
Knee pain can be one of the most serious conditions and can cause serious disruption to normal life even though the patient is in good health. If there is no clear cause for why sharp stabbing pain in knee comes and goes it must depend on the causes and on the type of pain, its severity, location, and frequency. However, through several treatments, you can get rid of it.
How can we diagnose knee pain?
If you see your doctor with knee Pain, they’ll examine your knee and are likely to ask:
- When your pain started and if there’s anything that makes it worse.
- If there’s any activity, accident, or injury that could have caused it.
- If you have any other symptoms such as your knee giving way or clicking, or pain in any other joints.
They may suggest an X-ray or an MRI scan, but this is not always necessary. Your doctor may be able to make a diagnosis based on the examination and your symptoms.
If you have cartilage or ligament damage, your doctor may suggest a procedure to look inside your knee. This is called arthroscopy (often known as ‘keyhole surgery’). It involves making a small cut in your knee and inserting a thin tube and a camera. As well as helping with diagnosis, damaged tissue can be repaired or removed during the procedure.
Common Causes of Sharp Knee Pain
The most common causes of sharp stabbing knee pain are:
- Torn Knee Cartilage: the special cushioning that lines the knee joint
- Knee Bursitis: inflammation of anti-friction sac
- Knee Arthritis: wear and tear
- Loose Body: bone fragment floating in the joint
- Fracture: broken bone
- Nerve Irritation: nerve gets squashed or irritated.
Here we will look at the most common causes of acute knee pain, how they are present and how you can find out what is happening to your knees. Then we will look at how to treat the various causes of acute knee pain.
Other possible causes of Knee Pain
- INTERNAL BLEEDING: Bleeding from the knee joint (hemarthrosis) caused by injury, in the case of hemophilia, where the knee joint is warm, firm, itchy, painful, and swollen, requires treatment with a clotting factor. When bleeding in the knee occurs in non-hemophiliac people, it may be due to injury, certain medications, diseases, or osteoarthritis. This too is very bad, and if left untreated it can lead to permanent damage.
- ARTHRITIS: Arthritis affects the joints and is one of the most common causes of disability in the UK. The knee is one of the largest organs in the body and therefore the most common cause of arthritis. Arthritis can cause pain in the front, middle, or sides of the knee.
- OSTEOARTHRITIS: Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in the UK. Knee osteoarthritis is caused by a joint injury, and it is a degenerative condition that commonly affects older people.
- RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: This is very rare and is the result of the immune system directing the knee joint. The outer cover of the knee joint (synovium) is affected first and this spreads to other parts of the joint leading to possible fractures of the bones and cartilage.
Does a knee Fracture also cause sharp stabbing pain?
A Knee fracture also known as the patellar fracture is a serious injury, which can impact your ability to bend or straighten your knee. Knee fractures are mostly caused by a powerful impact. Such as any accident or injury. However, symptoms include Immediate swelling and bruising in the knee or sharp stabbing pain in knee that comes and goes.
Home Remedies for knee pain:
Minor knee pain is very common and can often be treated at home. One of the most common remedies for minor knee pain is rest, ice, compression, elevation, or RICE. Try the following RICE methods:
- Avoid the activity that causes you pain.
- Use crutches to keep weight off your knee.
- Ice the area three or four times per day for 20 minutes at a time.
- Wrap your knee using an elastic compression bandage.
- Place pillows underneath your knee to elevate it to the same level or higher than the level of your heart.
However, You may also take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen to alleviate the swelling. If symptoms persist after three days despite this treatment or if your pain worsens, talk to your doctor.
How Does Knee Support Help?
The goal of Knee Support for patients is to provide support for the knee. Also, to decrease the pain, and improve function. However, Braces may allow people to feel more comfortable. Also, braces provide stability and manage the pain and associated swelling by supporting the soft tissues around the knee.
Types of Knee Supports:
The choices of knee braces may vary according to the condition of the patient. However, Four main types include:
Knee sleeves:
This type of brace works by providing compression to the soft tissue around the joint and may improve proprioception.
However, They are lighter than some with more wrap and brace but have gentle support and firm compression.
Unloader knee braces:
The most effective brace for arthritis is the unloader-style brace. They work best on thinner people with arthritis on only one side of the knee.
How do you prevent it?
There are many measures you can take in your daily life to prevent knee Pain, such as the following:
The following are some ways that may help you treat intermittent leg pain at home:
- Exercise regularly. Although exercise can contribute to some leg pain, exercise sessions at least twice a week helped to reduce walking pain and increase the distance a person can walk.
- Stop smoking. Smoking is a major risk factor for sharp pains when walking. Smoking can cause changes to blood vessels and make it easier for the blood to clot, which can contribute to leg pain.
- Eat a heart-healthy diet. Choosing a heart-healthy diet can help you maintain your weight and blood sugar levels. This can help reduce some of the risk factors that can lead to PAD.
- Cross-training. If your leg pain is related to overuse from physical activity, try a new activity that’s less repetitive on the legs and feet-Articlespid.
Maintaining a healthy weight and taking care of your body can help reduce sharp, shooting pains whenever possible.